Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pizza is King

Fast food has become as much a part of American culture as fireworks on the Fourth of July, and we have almost innumerable choices to make when looking for a quick bite to eat. Burgers have become synonymous with the fast food industry, and Mexican food is becoming a popular choice too. But the pizza is definitely at the top of the list.

Maybe it’s a stretch to call pizza fast food, since it takes a bit longer to make a pizza than most other fast foods. But as far as foods that can quickly be ordered and taken out, it doesn’t get any better than the classic Italian dish. Here are the top three reasons pizzas are the ultimate fast food.  Just remember, fast food is not a measure of quality, but a measure of how quickly you get your food after ordering.

1)      Share-ability – Pizza is made to share. Unless you get a personal-size pizza, you aren’t going to be eating an entire pizza by yourself. A large pizza can easily feed three to four people, and when you see a stack of pizza boxes, your first thought was probably “party”.  And because the vast majority of pizzas are round, a group of people can gather around a pizza at the same time, promoting even more social behavior. The only food that comes close in this regard is a sub sandwich.

2)      Easy-to-eat – This is where pizza really has a leg up on its competition. Not surprisingly, fast food is eaten a lot by people on the move, especially in the car. And when you’re eating while driving, you only have one hand available to help you chow down. Sure, you can eat hamburgers and hot dogs easily enough with only one hand. But as burgers get bigger and bigger, it’s become increasingly difficult to hold onto them with only one hand. Burritos are another iffy bet with one hand, as there is always a risk that the bottom is going to fall out on you. With pizza, you don’t have to worry about this problem. You only need one hand to devour a piece of pizza. Even the biggest pieces can be folded over themselves to prevent any spilling. For people in a hurry, pizza is incredibly convenient.

3)      Variety – Americans love having choices when it comes to food, even if there are too many of them to make a good decision. Pizza is one of the most versatile foods we have. It can fit a wide variety of tastes and occasions, meeting the needs of even the pickiest eater. From basics such as cheese, sausage and pepperoni to more complex varieties like Hawaiian and barbeque chicken pizza, there is a pizza for almost everybody. And if you get sick of one kind, there’s always another type to keep you interested. There are only so many ways you can make a sandwich or burger, but there are almost no limits to the amount of toppings, sauces and cheeses that you can experiment with on a pizza.
If you are ever in Westlake Village (Ventura County), there is an outstanding, organic pizza and salad restaurant you must try! Follow this link for their menu and location.

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